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We Fund Any Deal is a company introduced in 2015. It recently introduced the Deal Coin, which is a blockchain lending platform. It is a hybrid decentralized peer-to-peer lending platform, which will incorporate the blockchain, security, and transparency. The platform is expected to act as a wakeup call to the global finance sector.
Their vision for the Deal Coin is to dramatically lower the cost of financing projects and make it faster, easier, and fairer for businesses to access funding no matter where in the world they are located. However, this platform will still be able to ensure that there is an improved and secure return for the professional investor community.
Right now, sub one percent loan interest rates are often given to investors for the past decade. However, loans to business have regularly exceeded ten percent. The vision is to close this gap between borrowers and lenders. Thus, they will ensure that everyone has a better deal by working together.
The Current Situation
The global finance market was valued at $13.2 Trillion in 2016. By dropping the interest rate by just one percent, it would inject a whopping $132 billion back into businesses. The Deal Coin solution is going to be a major disruptor in this market. It will help businesses to realize savings and generate a huge amount of returns for the investors. This will be possible via the removal of outdated and cumbersome processes and the costs levied by the global financial sector.
By utilizing the blockchain, asset securitization, insurance, and smart contracts that are legally binding, the Deal Coin solution is going to become a major lending platform globally. The developers of the platform envisage a future where a business will be able to raise funds in just a few minutes. The team working on this project has the expertise and capability to make this vision a reality.
The Current Problem
It is a fact that financing for most businesses globally is limited and quite unfair globally. Many small and medium-sized businesses globally will require financing at some point in their life. For instance, they may need to buy machinery, purchase property, or trade internationally.
Interest rates vary a lot depending on where you live globally. They start from as low as 3.51% in the US to as high as 50% in Brazil. The upfront costs of these loans which involve administrative, legal, application, and intermediary fees can add about 15% to the cost of funding.
The issues developers of this project had to deal with is why a business in Brazil should have to pay so much more to access capital compared to one in the US. Even in nations where interest rates are low, the process of applying for a loan is quite complex. In some cases, it can take weeks or months, and you are generally restricted to lenders inside your country.
The Deal Coin ICO (DLSD Token) Solution
The Deal Coin platform will allow businesses from anywhere in the world to receive financing for their projects. To make this possible, they will work with identity management, credit reference, credit risk, and legal institutions. The token sale is set to start in about 3 days.
The developers can be contacted using the link below:
ETH Address : 0x4be0D62Fc296136326F1A6BB6E3A543472c41820
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