Benefits of the project
Real estate is one of the most stable forms of investment and involves some risk as an investment mechanism. The global total of developed real estate is over US $ 228 trillion, which exceeds the total of the world’s traded stocks and securitized bonds, and the global trading volume of 2016 reached approximately US $ 661 billion ,This includes financial information, leases, taxes, invoices, lien, easement, building performance, physical characteristics, and asset history for the asset, so you need to do a costly, detailed title search. lose. Pr cr evention of Fraud - All transactions that occur on the on a blockchain platform will be cryptographically signed and auditable. The use of timestamps with consensus mechanism on the blockchain has the ability to prevent double booking/selling of the same property unit, which is a common problem when a property is being listed by diferent brokers.
Products and solutions
This app is user-friendly, easy to understand and gives you up-to-the-minute updates. The app provides you the following benefits: Global asset search, attribute dashboard, analysis provided by Artificial Intelligence, property,
You can participate in their ecosystem. Then, along with your smartphone and internet connection, you can upload land information or other properties in their blochain register.This application will be released soon and run on Windows, Android, iOS,
Details about token
Similar to some other blockchain projects, they also provide the code for their project, XRX token.

Distribution token

It is distributed as outlined below

Upon the completion of the sale of XRX, proceeds from the sale of XRX
will be allocated as outlined below:
- Technology and platform development - 40%
- Legal and regulatory - 15%
- Operations and marketing – 30%
- Business Development and others – 15%

The developers can be contacted using the link below:
ETH Address : 0xF090e20e43064dae9d057242b47132Ac7B7b6846
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