Good evening, for all crypto fans! and today I want to tell you about a very promising aQuest project
About project
AQuest tokens are utility tokens used for operations on the aQuest platform.
aQuest offers its creators to create marketing campaigns aimed at rewarding their members.
for example : Participants are required to finish a simple task in order to be eligible for a secure reward payment. On the other hand you as a company can gather important data on your customers and boost your brand recognition
and Quests are a great way to help build up the users pool in Enkronos Apps while at the same time as your collection of users is building up you can engage the same users with other applications that focus on improving the engagement of users with your brand.
Principle of operation
As I talked about above, Aquest is a decentralized application with an intuitive and simple interface that allows business owners and large companies to create various tasks for customers and consumers to get valuable information and develop their own brands.
This application will mainly be used by the following categories:
The creators of ICO;
Financial services sector;
Block chain sector;
Pharmaceutical company;
Retail representatives;
Search for objects in augmented reality.
It is important to note that all tasks created by entrepreneurs are integrated into the applications of the Enkronos system and allow you to create a specific client base. In the future, each of the business owners will be able to attract these customers to new tasks of partners, which are also aimed at increasing the popularity of their products
aQuest is based on the Enkronos application stack and uses smart contracts to regulate signatures for the ERC20 quests.
Everyone can join an akvest, without restrictions, without ZSK.
First mobile
Our mobile first approach makes it easy to make money on a mobile device.
Enkronos application integration
aQuests is a great way to help create a user pool in Enkronos applications.
aQuest can be a poll, a Bounty task, Facebook, like watching an add, install an application or catch a Pokemon on a Pokemon GO.
Receive awards
You can pay your signatories in ERC-20 tokens. In the future, we also plan to introduce PayPal, Credit Cards and other digital currencies
aQuest is based on the Enkronos application stack and uses smart contracts to regulate signatures for the ERC20 quests.
Everyone can join an akvest, without restrictions, without ZSK.
First mobile
Our mobile first approach makes it easy to make money on a mobile device.
Enkronos application integration
aQuests is a great way to help create a user pool in Enkronos applications.
aQuest can be a poll, a Bounty task, Facebook, like watching an add, install an application or catch a Pokemon on a Pokemon GO.
Receive awards
You can pay your signatories in ERC-20 tokens. In the future, we also plan to introduce PayPal, Credit Cards and other digital currencies

Sale Tokens:
Token Name: AV
Platform Token: Ethereum
Type of marker: ERC-20
Pre ICO price: 1 AQU = 0.003 ETH
Tokens sale : 200,000,000
Min. investment: 0.1 ETH
Accepting payment : ETH, BTC, ENK, Fiat
Distributed ICO : 36.11%
Soft cap : 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 39,000,000 EUR
TEAM aQuest:
Gianluca Busato , Founder & CEO
Jure Velero, CTO
Play Mermolja, Project Manager
Luka Mladenovic, Developer Backend
Jan Rozic , Frontend Developer
Mojca Mir, Business Assistant
Matjaz Prijatelj, System Administrator
Niko Bergles ,UX , UI Graphic Designer
Matej Hladnik, Frontend Programmer
Primoz Nemec, Solution Sales Specialist
Selena Balconi, Art Director
Debora Oliosi, Digital Strategist
Sanem Avcil, ICO investor, advisor
Marco Muhrer Schwaiger, Serial
The developers can be contacted using the link below:
ETH Address : 0xF090e20e43064dae9d057242b47132Ac7B7b6846
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