4New is the first blockchain solution in the world for waste to energy conversion. It’s a tangible and eco-friendly solution that is taking the world by storm. 4New is currently offering coins for investors who are interested in getting involved with the first-ever waste to energy conversion and treatment facility. It will be entirely based on the blockchain network.
What Is 4NEW?
4New is based on the idea that waste to energy conversion is a new necessity. They claim 4New will solve multiple problems that the entire world is facing: waste is in surplus and energy is running out. By using 4New, these social and global issues will be remedied and the environment, and people, will benefit.
The supply chain will go from the collection of waste to the conversion and generation process that will supply electricity. This electricity will be sold in units to the national grid.
Why 4NEW Is Lucrative
On top of the concept behind 4New being a ground-breaking way to reduce waste and produce energy, 4New is also utilitarian in nature. It’s lucrative because everyone uses electricity on a regular basis, and waste will never stop being produced. 4New sees it like this: rather than trying to reduce the amount of waste produced or reduce the amount of energy we consume—since both are inevitable to some degree—why not instead harness the energy that can be produced by this waste? That’s what drives 4New forward.
4New says they will successfully integrate the real-world waste disposal process with blockchain technology to take that waste, convert it to energy, and sell those energy units.
4NEW Coin Offerings
4New is offering coins throughout October, November, and December 2017. The decentralized blockchain network 4New runs on uses the 4New Coins as a currency. These coins will be used in all transactions for acquiring and selling waste and energy. The ledger of 4New will contain all transactions and will display an auditable journal of every purchase and sale 4New carries out. All parties involved or associated with each transaction will be able to see the ledger entry—including potential disputes, reconciliation, and revenue leakage, which will all be controlled as much as possible.
Their tokens will be named FRN. The price of ICO for token FRN is very varied with about 4 stages of ICO. As an initial information to this point they have collected funds from investors approximately 25 million USD and will continue to grow due to some of the things I have described above. Here's the ICO schedule they prepared along with the pricing and bonus details.
17th October to 23rd October, 2017
1 FRN = 0.003787 ETH (20% Bonus 4NEW Coins)
24th October to 31st October, 2017
1 FRN = 0.004132 ETH (10% Bonus 4NEW Coins)
1st November to 14th November, 2017
1 FRN = 0.004545 ETH
15th November to December 15th, 2017
1 FRN = 0.005882 ETH
4NEW Conclusion
4New claims they will standardize the waste and energy industries, which they describe as two industries in dire need of innovation and technological integration. They also foresee the 4New Coin becoming the global currency of peers and consumers for any waste or energy related services they seek. In addition to this information, 4New provides a wealth of other insight into their company and development plans.
Altogether, they claim their management team has over 300 years of combined experience and their research claims they’ll be able to provide a 15% to 20% savings to consumers. They also promise zero impact on the environment and compliance with all government regulations and standardized best practices.
The developers can be contacted using the link below:
ETH Address : 0x4be0D62Fc296136326F1A6BB6E3A543472c41820
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