Additionally, with the rise and advent of quantum computing, it is now becoming clear that RSA is susceptible to many issues of hacking and third party exploitation which quantum computing can address.
What Are Quantum Computers?
Quantum computers in their basic sense are high powered computational tools that make use of properties that are quite unique to the microscopic world. In addition to this, these computers also make use of scientific principles such as "superpositioning and quantum entanglement", so as to perform heavy duty calculations in a much more efficient manner.
Simply put, these computers have the ability to complete complex tasks in seconds as opposed to ordinary PCs which would take years of solve the same problems.

About Quantum1Net
Quantum1net is an all new "crypto security platform" that makes use of quantum mechanics so as to create a system that is highly private and free from any third party intrusion.
The Quantum Encrypted Key Generation (QEKG) "module that allows for secure storage and transfer of data. In addition to this, the technology also makes use of a certain complex "cryptographic key generation protocol" that can further bolster the security of our data.
What's so Different With Quantum1Net QEKG?
The Quantum Encryption Key Generator serves as the foundation for this platform. It aims to rectify the issues of encryption that exist with PRNGs that are globes used all across the globe. According to the study released by the company, standard PRNGs have a large tendency to exhibit repetitive patterns of behavior when selecting "so called random numbers." What this means is, if the right computer is used, a person can predict a future number that will be generated by the PRNG.
This is where Quantum1Net comes in. Instead of relying on standard PRNG protocols, it makes use of QEKG, a safety module that has been shown to select numbers that follow "no pattern" at all. Additionally, though the use of comparative studies, it has been shown clearly that PNRG is substantially inferior to QEKG in terms of its protection capabilities.
Quantum1Net Token Sale Details
The sale of native currency will take part in three separate phases:
- 1st token sale: during this period, the "silver token" will be made available to investors. This phase is expected to start sometime in February 2018, and will allow customers to make purchases via the use of Ethereum. Lastly, there will be a cap of € 15 million that will be set in place during this phase.
- 2nd token sale: during this period, company official plan to release the Gold token which will be based on the Bitcoin framework, and will come with features such as QEK. The sale of this currency is expected to commence in July 2018, and there will be a cap of € 18 million in place during this round.
- 3rd token sale: this phase will also offer Gold tokens and is scheduled to start sometime early next year (January in all probability).

Who is Behind Quantum1Net?
Quantum1Net is the brainchild of Mattias Bergstrom, who serves the company's CEO. He holds the core patent upon which this whole technology is based, and has been in this domain for over 20 years. In terms of his work history, Mattias has developed "multiple internet protocols, and holds more the 60 patent claims in the field of networking".
According to this professional LinkedIn profile we found that he is the person behind projects such as:
- Voddler: a Video on Demand solution that is quite popular on the web
- System73: a live broadcast system
Similarly, Stan Miasnikov, is the CTO of the company and is currently leading the encryption work that is being done at Quantum1Net. From a background perspective, we can see that Stan comes with over corel, Flex, and OpenTV.
For more details about this platform, users can write to the company on the email address provided in the whitepaper.
The ICO and it is unique

The company has planned BitSoin and Ethereum ICOs in the many months of 2018. The convertible Silver Ethereum will be designated for an ICO in February 2018. The funding will be used as a round for the argument, allowing the extension to expand and build the entire system.
Once this is the case, the following will be a GOLD token that will be emptied in limited offers in July. A full release and quick release of Quantum1 will take place in January 2019.
The first one is expected to start in February 2018 and the сар will amount to 15 million еurо. This first sale will be on an ethereum. The terms you do not yet come with Quantum ensurustron, but, in fact, they will be convertible to the second generation in a 20% disdance rat.
The second sale will take place in July, 2018. The SAR will be up to 18 million. This is where you can get your Silver To Gold contacts. This is one of the reasons and it is not public - it would be for 1 round round and silver token holder.
The 3rd Token Shale will be selected for the beginning of January 2019. It is a great success that Quantum1net would be funded for long-term financing and mass production. This financing will be capped at 200 million euros.
Now, by executing their strategy and the Oferings round, confidence is confident that the timeline it has now is easily accepted. It is really true that computer computing is still in its own and there are a lot of problems that few have great benefits and which is important to continue to build.
First token sale: New Year's Eve (February 2018)
Our first sale directly to Quantum1NeT is the necessary funding it needs to get our complete experience of our plan. It supports that we support some new features to support the core developers and developers to reach our May 2018 target for a limited release of Quantum1Net. We will hedge about 15 million euros, and this idea about an ethereum. These are not with uruаntурность усселение; However, they will be convertible at a discount of 20% during the second time in July 2018.
SALE: Gold token has been sold (July 2018)
As mentioned earlier, the first of our first pieces of information will have the opportunity to have their Silver customers associated with Godd Tøkens during this recent sale. We also give our former investors the opportunity to convert before selling, which will be worth € 18 million. Unlike the first token, the gold token is based on BitSoin and the QEK, which is based on Quantum1NeT.
Third: Guld Open Shale (January 2019)
Our third sale is voted for January 2019, and will be shortly after the planned global public source of Quantum1Net until the end of 2018. This source Quantum1Never for the remainder, as they quantum1n't and quantum1n't outside of сурто сурениса parts, the most be met by the failure of рubliс-енсруртион.
When you get that you get a silver and make it to a gold during the first session in July, a 5% discount is offered to those who choose to bid in this or another. This round of financing is limited to 200 million euros. Through these three funds and the associated opportunities, Quantum1Net is able to make that our ambitious timeline is indeed simple.

Mission Quantum1Net
The mission of Quantum1Net is to create supportive and supportive technologies. We have developed a very safe product so you do not have to worry about the security of your data now or in the future. We offer an unprecedented level of technical innovation combined with a user-friendly system design to provide safety, ease-of-use and ultimate security.
Quantum computing
Quantum computing makes it possible for quantum bits, so-called qubits, to store large amounts of information while using less energy. The result is a much better computer that is capable of performing a much more complicated computation, and much faster than an ordinary computer
Ordinary computers work by storing data in a series of bits containing either 0 or 1. String bit lengths store information but at one time, bits can only have one value or another value, just one calculation. made at once. Quantum computing works differently. It is based on the unique behavior of subatomic particles that exist simultaneously in several countries.
End of RSA encryption
Electronic communication was secured by a method called RSA, named after three researchers who developed this method: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. It takes a great deal of computing power to generate and then take into account these numbers, something that is not possible with ordinary computing techniques.
The difficulty of doing this is illustrated in a 2009 study. Researchers found that 768 bits (232 digits) spent hundreds of machines and nearly two years cracking, while RSA needed 1024-bit keys a thousand times longer, and that was the RSA key type the smallest used today.
Secure and minimal RSA depends on traditional computing constraints, while rapidly expanding technologies and the advent of the quantum computer will soon require a new encryption strategy. Much less resources and time is needed to break the strongest RSA keys with quantum computing. Quantum Computing enables from the beginning the defense against first credentials against the RSA encryption.
Quantum Computing and Code Solving
Before quantum computers have a positive impact on the technology industry, their expertise also raises security issues. RSA depends on the complexity of a large amount of factorization to store encrypted data. Due to its architecture, quantum computing is a direct solution to this problem.
Because the qubit has the advantage of having a condition that is also called the superposition of circumstances, which allows many calculations, Quantum Computer becomes a logical code-breaking mechanism. Work is in progress and the NIST expects a quantum computer that will be able to break RSA2048 in hours by 2030 to be purchased for about a billion dollars.
Quantum encryption key
The Quantum Key Encryption Generator is the core of the Quantum1Net encryption strategy. For verification, create a multi-digit random number from which to derive the mathematical property in the case of primary RSA factorization. But there is a main problem, the random number generator uses only pseudorandom numbers (called PRNGs), so RSA keys are pseudorandom. Tests show that PRNG shows repetitive behavior patterns in the selection of random numbers. This pattern means that with sufficient results, predictions can be made for the number selection in the future. That way, PRNG is not really random.
Quantum1Net uses the Quantum Encryption Key Generator (QEKG) instead. Due to the nature of the quantum computer itself, tests have shown that in large samples the chosen number does not follow the pattern, so that no prediction algorithm can be derived.
This graph shows the results of PRNG and QEKG tests at a sample size of 20,000 bits 50,000 times. By using PRNG after 50,000 tests, it is visually seen that the data is predictable even after 10,000 or more initial experiments. However, this is not the case with QEKG. Look at the bottom of the diagram where the dots are scattered. Unlike PRNG graphs, there is no clear pattern for their location on the QEKG chart.

The developers can be contacted using the link below:
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