What Is Biometrids?
Biometrids, discovered online at Biometrids.io, enables individuals to distinguish themselves to others utilizing face acknowledgment benefits that are as of now incorporated with their telephones. Recognizing information is recorded onto a changeless dispersed record (i.e. a blockchain), with each individual in the chain having a novel ID. One face is connected to one ID, and each ID is exceptional. On the off chance that you are recorded in the chain once, at that point you'll never have the capacity to control that ID again or duplicate the ID.
Fundamentally, it's facial acknowledgment innovation manufactured utilizing blockchain and brilliant contracts. The token deal for Biometrids is in progress today, albeit principle advancement on the task isn't booked to start until 2018.
How Does Biometrids Work?

Biometrids utilizes machine learning for facial acknowledgment. That machine learning guarantees that regardless of whether your face changes after some time, the shapes of your face won't change fundamentally, and Biometrids will dependably have the capacity to remember you.
Suppose an organization or client needs to distinguish you. That individual or organization can send a demand for your Biometrids wallet. An ask for will fly up on the screen, and you can basically filter your face. This approves your character to that organization or client.
Your face acknowledgment – through your telephone – is coordinated with the Biometrids blockchain ID connected to that face. In the case of everything matches, at that point your ID is checked and you're ready.
Biometrids wants to discharge an API that will make it simple to connect their stage with different stages. That API will be provided food towards wallets, banks, organizations, land accomplices, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. A wallet application may ask for a sweep of your face to affirm a buy, for instance.
On September 7, 2017, Equifax, one of the three largest credit agencies in the U.S., suffered data breaches that could affect 143 million consumer sensitive data. Stored sensitive data including Social Security number and driver’s license number. This incident is one of the largest data theft cases ever. The offense was discovered by Equifax on July 29, 2017 and at that time. Other compromised data are said to include your full name, address, date of birth, credit card number, and other personal information.
Taringa is a social media website ala Reddit for Latin America. On September 4, 2017, this social networking site suffered a data breach incident that resulted in more than 28 million user data exposed. The data includes username, e-mail and password. Taringa uses hashed passwords, making Taringa users open to hackers.
Verizon encountered a data breach incident on July 13, 2017. This data theft case exposes 14 million customer data that can be misused by the offender. The stolen customer information is sufficient to access each person’s account Verizon account according to a security expert who is notified of the violation. With this information, account takeovers and phone hijacks may occur, which could result in hacking of social media accounts and email accounts.
UniCredit Bank, Italy
UniCredit, Italy’s largest bank, has admitted that it suffers from data breaches in 2016 and the last of August 7, 2017. This data-theft case involving 400,000 subscribers as a whole. Affected customers are at high risk for phishing attacks by utilizing leaked data. Phishing can provide the entrance for criminals to take customers’ funds.
Car Rentals
A data leak at the CarWise ICT software company occurred on August 7, 2017. It is estimated that at least this data theft case includes 100 thousand data. The leak was found in LeaseWise software, which was used by 52 Dutch car rental companies. These companies share databases, but are accessible to others for leakage. Leaked data includes customer addresses, rental contracts and the number of kilometers traveled per car.
Identification and Solution
The theft that happen above is possible because the verification of log identification is less efficient so that it can be hacked by the offender. Theft data as mentioned above will not happen with intelligent identity verification like biometrids. In addition, if the data theft has incurred as much as the cost of treatment as usual.
Why use biometrids? Because everyone in the world has a unique set of biometrics and is never the same about your fingerprints, your face, your eyes and even your voice. In addition, bimetrids also offer access to your data. So the action of data theft as happened above will not happen. It can be applied to providers or users to safely protect your data.Biometrids likewise imagines a future where their stage can be utilized by open administrations:
"A similar procedure will be utilized for open administrations. On the off chance that you get halted by the police, at that point basically examine your face and they can read your driver's permit on their gadget."
Here's the essential procedure that will be utilized when preparing facial ID with Biometrids:
Stage 1) Face recognition. This incorporates 3D confront show creation.
Stage 2) Face pre-preparing, division, and part.
Stage 3) Data exchanges to keen contracts. The hubs in the Biometrids organize figure out which piece or highlight of the face ought to be sent to a keen contract. A portion of the shrewd contracts are classifiers, while others will have machine learning modules.
Stage 4) Data preparing. Amid this stage, every prepared datum is gathered from shrewd contracts.
We got the solution to solve the Identity problem on the blockchain. Today we face a common blockchain problem, with the identity. KYC, that they are forced to by the government. Therefore we need a decentralized identity, that can help solve this problem.
PRE-ICO 25 nov. 5,000,000 coins available
ICO 16 dec. 70,000,000 coins available.
Name of the token will be IDS. There will be a total of 100,000,000 IDS.
5% will be sold in pre-ICO.
5% will be for bounties and advisors.
70% will be sold doing the crowdsale.
10% will be for team.
10% will be for foundation.
Pre-ICO will run for one week and the price will be 910 IDS / 1eth. The crowdsale will run for four weeks and prices will be:
Week 1: 665 IDS / 1eth
Week 2: 550 IDS / 1eth
Week 3: 500 IDS / 1eth
Week 4: 450 IDS / 1eth
Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until end date, or until all coins are sold. The 10% for team and the 10% for foundation will be locked up for three years. Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges.
What Problems Does Biometrids Seek To Solve?
Biometrids sees a noteworthy issue with present day confirmation administrations utilized by organizations. Today, organizations around the globe endure genuine information breaks due to brought together frameworks with poor client validation. Organizations have lost joined billions of dollars because of unapproved access into their frameworks.
As the Biometrids whitepaper clarifies, "numerous issues exist with character frameworks", and these issues happen due to concentrated frameworks working as a storehouse between a few specialist co-ops. "The storehouse approach makes impediments the security fundamental for ensuring passwords and issued ID records, as it gives a focal place to rupture, giving exceptional yields for programmers."
The whitepaper goes ahead to specify expensive information spills by Yahoo, eBay, Blue Cross, Equifax, JPMorgan Chase, and others.
One of the issues with the present personality check is that confirmation information is put away off the blockchain. This makes the information simple to control.
The Biometrids Token Sale
Biometrids utilizes tokens called IDS. There will be an aggregate of 100,000,000 IDS tokens, with 5% sold in the pre-ICO, 5% for bounties and consultants, 70% sold amid the crowdsale, 10% for the group, and 10% for the establishment.
The pre-ICO will keep running for one week at a cost of 1 ETH = 1330 IDS. The fundamental crowdsale will keep running at a month with costs of 1 ETH = 1,000 IDS (week 1), 1 ETH = 850 IDS (week 2), 1 ETH = 700 IDS (week 3), and 1 ETH = 600 IDS (week 4).
Any tokens unsold amid the ICO will be bolted for a long time. Following five years, they will be sold back to early speculators in a private raising money crusade, and they won't be sold on trades.
The pre-deal is in progress from November 25 to December 1, 2017, with an ICO from December 16 to January 13.
Who's Behind Biometrids?
Biometrids is driven by author and CEO Morten Nielsen. Nielsen is depicted on the authority Biometrids site as "a crypto devotee with a profound knowledge into blockchain innovation."
The thought for Biometrids started in 2016, with discourse and market ponder occurring all through mid 2017. By Q1 2018, Biometrids intends to setup the establishment and start employing individuals, with a beta rendition planned for discharge by Q3 2018.
Biometrids has part its improvement into four phases. Stage 1 is the foundation for the stage, including facial acknowledgment and the capacity to setup IDs and passwords. This stage will be finished before the finish of 2018. Stage 2 will be the advancement of the API, organize 3 will develop the stage to utilize hubs, and stage 4 will enhance the API and different parts of the stage. By organize 5, the organization would like to expel all passwords, enabling individuals to get to their record utilizing just their appearances.
Biometrids Conclusion
Biometrids is a facial ID confirmation stage that intends to give decentralized, unknown ID check on the blockchain. You can add your facial information to the database, where it can be checked by shrewd contracts. People or associations can utilize Biometrids to confirm your facial information. Biometrids likewise plans to discharge an API that enables their stage to be incorporated with wallets, banks, and other online administrations.

The developers can be contacted using the link below:
ETH Address : 0x4be0D62Fc296136326F1A6BB6E3A543472c41820
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