Volans VOL ICO: The first Decentralized Financial Services Company? (ICO REVIEW)

Volans is a blockchain-based payment system, currently in development, that will use a proprietary cryptocurrency known as the VOL token to facilitate payment processing for paying bills, purchasing goods and services, and other types of transactions. In order to crowdfund development of Volans, an ICO for its VOL token is being planned.

The Volans Team & Company

Volans was founded by a trio of individuals, two of which are currently located in the Ukraine. The other, CEO Anton Ivanov, is listed as located in Germany but is quite likely a Ukrainian national, based on the fact that his LinkedIn profile is at least partially in Cyrillic.

In fact, while the headquarters for Volans is listed as Berlin, not so surprisingly the same location as Ivanov, the other two co-founders – CTO Petro Shylaiev and chief sales and marketing officer Oleh Podhornyi – are Ukrainian. All three, however, seem quite young, as their LinkedIn profiles offer little in the way of work experience but instead focus on education.

No dates are given but it’s likely these three are recent graduates that have banded together to create their own blockchain-based company.

The Volans Platform

The Volans platform itself, while still in the early developmental stages, is carefully mapped out by the team’s white paper. The core concept for Volans is to become a digital financial services provider, similar to existing tools that banks and companies like PayPal use, but one that not only exists on a decentralized blockchain ledger but supports fiat currency as well as cryptocurrencies of different types.

Once developed, Volans will consist of several different modules for each facet of its functionality. Primarily, it will be a digital wallet that will be coded to store Bitcoin as well as ERC-20 standard tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain. Other modules will support commission-free exchanges of fiat and crypto assets between Volans members, the ability to use a virtual or physical Volans-branded debit card to make purchases, an internal exchange for individuals who want to buy fiat with cryptocurrency and vice versa, and other related services. L

Long term plans for Volans also see it becoming a credit card issuer, complete with blockchain-recorded credit ratings. Additional plans exist for a loyalty program that will reward members with cashback and other perks.

Volans VOL ICO Token Details

Volans is planning an ICO for its VOL token, an “investment” token that will entitle stakeholders to reimbursement for their VOL token purchases at specific milestones during the Volans platform’s development. Volans conservatively estimates that VOL token holders will receive a dividend, in additional VOL tokens, of around 142.8 VOL per 1000 tokens held. These tokens can then be either added to the stakeholder’s balance or exchanged for fiat currency at no conversion cost.

Approximately 19 million VOL tokens will be created for crowdfunding purposes. Around 15 million will be available for purchase, with the remainder reserved for company use; any remaining tokens out of these 15 million after the end of the ICO will be permanently burned.

The ICO pre-sale for VOL tokens begins on March 5 2018, at a price point of 2240 VOL for 1 ETH. Meanwhile, the main sale begins at May 5 2018 at a price point of 2160 VOL per 1 ETH until a soft investment cap of 1500 ETH. The price then changes to 1840 VOL per 1 ETH until the hard investment cap of 7500 ETH.

Is Volans VOL a Worthy Investment?

Volans is certainly an ambitious project, as its being positioned as a way to provide a full suite of financial services without having to rely on a traditional banking system. The competition in the alternative banking sector is rather robust, which means that Volans has some big challenges to overcome, but its major selling points – ultra-low transaction fees and the ability to use both cryptocurrencies and fiat cash interchangeably – may be enough to help it carve out its market share.

If you’re looking for a speculative investment, Volans likely isn’t it. Its VOL token is an equity token, one that has a specific growth pattern, so short-term windfalls are unlikely in the extreme.

However, if you’re looking for a worthy project to invest in that has done its best to minimize risk and to maximize long-term ROI in the realm of regular dividends, it may be wise to purchase a reasonable amount of VOL tokens during the pre-sale – perhaps a few hundred – and see what develops over time.

Road Map

Q3 2017
- The birth of a Volans idea. Analysis of market needs. Marketing research for the project target audience.
- First early investments in MVP - $200.000.
- Prototyping the interface of Volans platform.
Q4 2017
- Start of the platform development.
- International marketing launch. Launching MVP alpha-testing.
- Designing blockchain technologies for the Volans project. Analysis of the first results of MVP alpha-testing.
Q1 2018
- Smart-contract creation. Public tokens sale announcement. Web site launch. Whitepaper is available for investors.
- Launching the first Volans Wallet module - iOS app. Whitelist is available for investors.
- Tokens PreSale. Project presentation for token-holders.
Q2 2018
- Launch the second Volans Wallet module. Staging loyalty program. Accepting refill/withdraw cryptocurrencies with fiat money and vice-versa.
- Main token sale stage. Starting development Volans Wallet for Android and Web.
- Legal registration in EU jurisdiction. Active work with opinion leaders.
Q3 2018
- Extending Volans Wallet functionality with fast, no commission money transfers within Volans eco-system.
- Announcement of credit rank calculation algorithm announcement based on technologies of blockchain. Releasing Andorid and Web applications.
- First virtual and plastic cards emission. Volans is on the front pages of all news publications.
Q4 2018
- Launching contactless payments with NFC technology.
- Apple Pay and Android Pay for offline and online payments.
- First payment of dividends to investors.
Q1 2019
- Integration with third-party services.
Q2 2019
- Unlocking 12% of tokens for further platform developing.

Token info

PreICO price
1 VOL = 0,45 USD
Price in ICO
1 VOL = 0.0005 ETH


Pre-Sale 40% Main stage of Volans Token Sale 40% - 0%

Investment info

Min. investment
Distributed in ICO
Soft cap
1500 ETH
Hard cap
7000 ETH

The developers can be contacted using the links below:

ETH Address : 0x4be0D62Fc296136326F1A6BB6E3A543472c41820

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